The eCommerce giant eBay is a huge relief when it comes to getting rid of unwanted things. All thanks to the founder! But recently I have stumbled upon a couple of videos which showed people buying and reviewing really Weird Things Sold On eBay. When I say creepy and weird, I REALLY MEAN IT. Keep scrolling and watch it yourself!
Haunted Dolls

Even though all these Annabelle movies clearly show why it is a bad idea to get a haunted doll, people still buy it from eBay. The haunted dolls in eBay come with a spirit, a bio and the original story of how their dolls are possessed and what all they do. Creepy enough?
Ghost Jar

Here comes another haunted piece! A jar that is believed to have a ghost was put up for auction by the owner because it was disturbing him. He found the jar in a cemetery.
Fart Jar
Who wants to smell the fart of someone when you can smell yours? Ughh!! Gross!
Illinois Shaped Cornflake

Don’t laugh! The seller managed to sell it for $1,350 in 2008 to a guy. But my question is, how did they manage to find one of that shape?
Virginity (Weird Things Sold On eBay)
A Twenty-seven-year-old Elizabeth Raine auctioned her virginity with 12-hour date on eBay, and it went up to £500,000. But later on, she refused the offer and chose to focus on her career.
Air From A Kanye concert
Haha, the auction went up to $65,000, and it was one of the Weird Things Sold On eBay
Britney Spear’s Chewing gum
Virgin Mary Grilled Sandwich

Sold for $28,000 in 2004, this sandwich is said to have magical powers and is never touched by the moulds according to the lady.
Imaginary Friend
22-year-old Georgia Horrocks auctioned her imaginary friend on eBay after the advice of her psychiatrist.
Dorito shaped like the Pope’s hat
The Dorito was sold for $1,209 in 2005. Hmmm!!
Let me know if you are shopping on eBay! Also, if you are looking for some comfy products to add spice to your Netflix moments, then check out this blog!
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